Beyond Donations: Ways to Support Us

It’s rough out there right now, folks.

I’ll gently sidestep my socialist soapbox about the Bigger Picture (that’s what the Mastodon account is for) to keep this topic positive. We at Northern Pyre understand that donations aren’t always an option. Luckily, donations are only one part of a nonprofit.

We’ve had some inquiries about how folks can support us. First of all, it’s humbling to even be asked. Your willingness to help is so, so appreciated. Second, there are many things you can do! I’ve bucketed them into two categories: Foundational Support and Maintenance Support.

Help us get noticed right now as we build awareness and tee up land acquisition.

Spread the Word: Simply sharing our mission, events, and updates with your friends, family, and on social media can help raise awareness about our cause. Your voice can inspire others to get involved or support us in various ways. LinkedIn and Instagram are our two main social handles, feel free to follow either!

Subscribe to Our Newsletter: Staying informed about our activities and sharing our newsletter with others can help us reach a wider audience and keep more people engaged.

“Wouldja Like to Take a Survey?”: We’re playing in a very undefined field. What kinds of people want a funeral pyre? What motivates them to think about a death plan? What are their hesitations? We’re coming up empty-handed with insights, other than the bare minimum shared publicly by the general cremation industry.

If you’re interested in taking five minutes to fill out our completely anonymous survey, you’ll be helping us better understand our community. And PS, you don’t need to subscribe to anything or share your contact info to take it.

Down the road, we’re going to need help with education and community engagement.

Participate in Events: Joining our events, workshops, or fundraisers not only helps us achieve our goals but also brings our community closer together. Your presence and participation will make a positive impact.

Advocate: Be an advocate for our cause by engaging in conversations, writing about the issues we address, or reaching out to local representatives. Your advocacy can help drive positive change. [Note: Once we’re ready to push the button on this one, we’ll be much more specific with the who/what/how details.]

Donate Goods or Services: We couldn’t afford a proper site plan - luckily, a professional architect volunteered his time and experience to help. If you have goods or services that could benefit our organization, such as supplies, equipment, or professional skills, your in-kind donations can be invaluable.

Participate in Crowdfunding: If we have ongoing crowdfunding campaigns or specific initiatives, participating by sharing the campaign or contributing within your means can make a collective impact.

Support comes in many forms, and each act of kindness and contribution is significant. Whichever way works best for you, we welcome you to our cause. You’ve already started making a positive difference.


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